Arcade State – Flowers Single Review
Anyone who knows me is fully aware that I am a huge Arcade State fan so I was eagerly awaiting the release of Flowers. This is the fourth release from the bands much anticipated debut album Life is not Linear.
I’ve had the pleasure of seeing this performed live a few times but I was still bursting with excitement and joy to see it out there in the wild where we can all play it to our hearts content.
From the first drumbeat to the tentative guitar entry and that opening vocal it is immediately trademark Arcade State. They have a sound. It is them. They are it. They pulse. They power. They rise. They soar. They take you on a journey in every single song and this one is no different.
We had the thwack of musical power that hit us between the eyes with Thunderstatement and Flowers sees the boys in slightly more melancholy, introspective mood. It tackles a subject matter that we can all identify with because we might have all been there at some point of our lives or had that fear of being there at least.
The lyrics are honest and heart felt while the music is, as always driving, catchy and rhythmic. I love the way the track builds and breaks. The dramatic Shhh, the maniacal laugh and well, everything really.
Arcade State are honing their craft, they are gelling as a band, they are gathering an appreciative following.
Just more please.
Written By Helen Robinson.