IYE Music interviews AOIBHA

10 Interview Questions for Indie-Folk-Pop Artist AOIBHA

How did you discover your passion for indie-folk-pop music, and who are your biggest musical influences?

I grew up listening to a lot of Joni Mitchell and Carole King which definitely shaped my music taste from early on. More recently, I listen to a lot of Phoebe Bridgers, Madison Cunningham, Billie Eilish and Searows.

Can you describe your songwriting process? Do you start with lyrics, melody, or both?

My songs usually begin life as some scribbles in a notebook where I’ve jotted down some thoughts or feelings that I’m trying to make sense of. I’ve always found that the best way to make sense of feelings is by translating them into songs or poems. Once I’ve got the lyrics, I’ll sit down at the piano or pick up the guitar and experiment with different ways of singing them until I find the right fit. However, this year I’ve been trying to write more songs that start with the music instead of lyrics, just for a bit of variation and to keep challenging myself when it comes to writing.

How does your Irish heritage influence your music, both lyrically and musically?

My music is heavily influenced by Irish folk music and it forms the basis of much of my musical understanding from melodies to chord structures. I often cover Irish folk songs when I’m playing gigs and my favourite song to cover is Maid of Culmore.

What are the main themes or messages you explore in your songs?

I’ve always used songwriting as a tool for understanding the world around me and I think that comes through in my songs. This includes making sense of the physical world around me and the relationships in my life, but also asking philosophical questions about what it all means and whether or not any of it matters.

Do you consider your songs to be stories? If so, what kind of stories do you enjoy telling?

I do consider my songs to be stories. Each song tells a story of a particular time, a particular feeling, and a particular character. Although a lot of my songs are framed in the first person, a lot of them aren’t about me or my life, and actually tell the story of someone or something else that I’ve either read about or heard of through a third party.

Have you collaborated with other musicians or producers on this album? If so, how did those collaborations shape the sound?

There are no collaborations on ‘Little While Ago’ but I have collaborated with other artists in the past including Sarah McCreedy and Matt McIvor.

What inspired the title ” When You Hold Her  “? Is there a particular meaning behind it?

‘When You Hold Her’ is a soft, reflective song about watching someone move on before you’re quite ready to. The stripped back, acoustic arrangement is used to emphasise the vulnerability of the vocals, with the simple, repetitive guitar providing much needed comfort and grounding throughout.

What is your favorite track so far, and why?

My favourite song that I’ve released to date is ‘Take Me Home’ because it was written at a really pivotal time in my life and is probably the most honest and vulnerable song I’ve ever written.

What can fans expect from your live shows? Do you have any plans for touring?

My live shows are always quite intimate and cozy. I really enjoy engaging with the audience by asking them questions and getting them to sing-a-long in certain parts. I’ve always felt that music should be a shared experience and not a one-way conversation so I love taking any opportunity I can to involve the audience in the performance. I don’t have any plans for touring at the moment but I would love to do a small tour of Ireland some time in the near future.

What are your long-term goals for your music career? Are there any specific genres or collaborations you’d like to explore in the future?

My long term goals are to keep releasing music and keep performing music in a way that is enjoyable and sustainable for me and the people around me. I want to keep growing and evolving as an artist and writing music that resonates with people all over the world.

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